In the event that you leave your computer without logging out, the Business Banking has been designed to end your session automatically if our system detects that you haven't provided any instructions or used the browser buttons to navigate for several minutes. To restart the session, you will need to re-enter your Password.
To ensure that someone cannot access your personal information, always exit the Business Banking site using the logout button located at the top of every page. When you exit using the logout button, we delete your session cookie so that your session cannot be resumed unless your User ID and Password are re-entered.
The Business Banking site ensures that your personal and financial information is handled with care. Any personal or transactional information transmitted between you and our Internet banking system is secure and cannot be read by anyone else. While using the Business Banking site the integrity of your account information is guaranteed. Transactions from your computer to our system are received without alteration. From a technical point of view a process called encryption is used to achieve security.
Access to our member services, financial systems, and databases is strictly managed. Technological and procedural systems are in place to ensure security is not breached. This includes physically securing all of our computer hardware and telecommunications systems. All data is transported using encrypted channels.
Encryption is the process of scrambling information into a more secure format for transmission. This means that plain text is converted (encrypted) to a scrambled code while transmitting, and then changed back (decrypted) to plain text at the receiving end of the transmission. In the case of the Business Banking site, data is sent by your browser through an encrypted channel to our secure systems where the message is safely received.
To help provide customers with a secure and protected online banking environment, we recommend using the latest browsers that support minimum 128-bit encryption. We do not support beta or test versions of browsers.
Just as you play a vital role in ensuring the security of your home and your possessions, you too share in the responsibility for ensuring that your personal information is adequately protected.
In order for us to ensure that only you are accessing your accounts, we need a unique way of knowing that it's you. Just as the key to your home protects unwanted entry, the online banking "key"—your Password —ensures that only you can access your accounts.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your "key" to the Business Banking site is protected. Please observe the following security practices:
While we have provided a secure channel for our Members to communicate with us. Once the information has reached your computer, it's up to you to protect it. To protect your information, you should:
To ensure a safe and secure Internet session, only visit reputable sites. If you visit any questionable web site before Business Banking, we recommend you close your browser and restart it before proceeding to Business Banking.
For information on the specific policies and practices that we use to safeguard your personal and financial information, please click here to view our Privacy Statement.
Cookies are a part of your browser's memory that Business Banking uses to maintain your session's security. We use cookies to record the fact that you have successfully logged in to our online banking site. When you make a request for transactions or statement items, the cookie is checked to ensure that it really is you sending the request. Without them, we would have to demand your ID and password for every single online banking function you request.
What they are?
Cookies are small bits of information a web site sends to your browser. They can be kept in the browser
memory for temporary use or stored to a cookies file on your hard drive.
What are they used for?
They are most often used to store information that is user specific such as memorized member cards and
memorized inter-member transfers within Business Banking. If you are a frequent visitor to a site,
then a cookie may be used to store your personal preferences. A web site you visit can read the information
on your cookie and act accordingly.
What do we use them for?
When you log in to online banking, you are sent a cookie that uniquely identifies your current session.
When you request an action, such as check your statement, the cookie is sent with the request allowing
online banking to know who you are and verify that you are properly logged into the system.
© All Rights Reserved Coast Capital Savings, [2016]